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Christian is a health author and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition practitioner. He has worked with clients with severe gastrointestinal ailments, toxicity, and debilitating chronic fatigue. He has helped people with autoimmune and neurological conditions, skin disorders, hypothyroidism, insomnia, depression, autism, obesity, and other metabolic problems. The clients he serves are executives, entrepreneurs, professionals, and busy parents.

His latest book, How to Actually Live Longer, Vol. 1, is the first in his series on slowing the ageing process and increasing longevity. He is also author of the book Autism Wellbeing Plan: How to Get Your Child Healthy — a comprehensive resource for parents to understand the most common health problems from which autistic children suffer, and how to address them.

In his clinical work, Christian uses functional lab testing to identify hidden metabolic and health imbalances, and teaches clients how to use diet, supplementation, detoxification, stress reduction, sleep optimisation, and other strategies to address their chronic health issues and transform their lives for the better.

Christian is a certified Buteyko breathing instructor, Pn1 Nutrition Coach, GrowBaby practitioner, and is also certified in personal training, fitness instruction, and sports and event massage therapy.

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How I Help Clients Optimise their Health and Longevity

A sneak peak of how I use state-of-the-art functional lab testing and comprehensive client assessment to uncover deeply hidden imbalances and opportunities to optimise the body’s functioning.

Want to see how I can help you optimize your health and longevity? Click below to check out the The Live Longer Formula: