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how to actually live longer vol.1

A Superior Way to a Longer, Healthier (and Happier) Life

Christian Yordanov - Functional Health Practitioner and Author

Christian Yordanov - Functional Health Practitioner and Author

Hello friend, I’m Christian. 

You are in the right place if you want to increase your lifespan and healthspan, but don’t wish to subject yourself to the ludicrous nonsense promoted out there like:  

  • Starving yourself (fasting) intermittently or otherwise
  • Calorie restriction
  • Avoiding meat and saturated fat
  • Choking down a ton of (gross) vegetables 
  • Torturous exercise
  • Dunking yourself in ice-baths

In the first volume of the How to Actually Live Longer series, I introduce you to the “Primary Drivers of Ageing and Dysfunction” — a.k.a. the things that are slowly killing you — and show you how to begin addressing them promptly and comprehensively.

But Volume 1 is just the starter dish… 

In my work with clients, many of whom are executives, entrepreneurs, professionals, and busy parents, we use a sophisticated approach to identify and address the (often numerous) hidden metabolic imbalances that can diminish longevity and predispose a person to future health problems.

If you are serious about your health and want to invest in your most precious asset, scroll down to gain more insights into my approach.

When you are ready for the 5-Star “full course”, you can request a free intro call with me to see if we are good fit to work together.  

Exceed Your Health Goals Why settle for anything less than amazing health and vitality?

Many of us spend more on our cars, holidays, clothes, or gadgets than our own health. We ignore warning signs and only wait until symptoms appear before we do anything about them (and usually that “something” is to merely suppress or mask them).

If you are here, you’re likely one of those select few that understands the value of taking  a proactive approach to your health. And you will be handsomely rewarded for doing so. Let me explain why…

When researchers compare blood markers and other anthropometric measures between people in their 20s and those in their 70s, they find a number of differences. The older adults have:

      • More inflammation in their body
      • Reduced antioxidant status
      • Lower levels of the protective hormones
      • Increased cortisol and other stress hormones
      • Poorer cognitive function
      • Less muscle mass and strength
      • Increased fat mass
      • Increased DNA damage

Here is the “secret”: Most of the above are easy to improve, even in old age, with a few supplements and some dietary and lifestyle changes. 

But what if you started addressing these factors earlier? What if you started today? How much better off would you be in six months, or six years? How would it change the trajectory of your life and health?

Instead of imagining, why don’t we just start working on it?

My Health Optimisation and Longevity Program will help you identify and address the factors that are ageing you prematurely and contributing to dysfunction. 

The program is designed to address existing health issues, so don’t worry if you current state may not be great — I’ve helped clients resolve debilitating health challenges including severe digestive dysfunction, fatigue, sleep problems, and various hormonal imbalances.

Of course, if your health is average or already decent, we’ll help you elevate it to exceptional levels.

Once I met Christian Yordanov I almost immediately ditched my doctors in the United States and now exclusively use him to help me manage and monitor my health. We started by running a diagnostic test and as a result we changed up my diet, added supplements specifically targeting my needs, and I now feel better at 50 than I did when I was 25 years old. I quite literally trust Christian with my life at this point.

– Charlie Robinson, No.1 Best-selling Author & Host of the Macroaggressions Podcast


Health Optimisation and Longevity Program

The 3-step process that will transform your health and life.


Identify imbalances using functional lab tests (shipped direct to your home) and assessment of your metabolic function, health history, diet, lifestyle, and stressors.


Address imbalances and support the body’s functioning with simple protocols targeting diet, supplementation, stress, sleep, hormone balance, gut function, detoxification, etc.


Create lasting positive changes the client will integrate into their lifestyle and routine, that ensure they will maintain their enhanced health and continue progressing.

Sneak Peak: How I Help Clients Optimise their Health and Longevity​

Program Pillars

  • Gut healing: Gut cleansing and balancing are an integral part of the program. When prudent, we will run state-of-the-art stool testing to check for imbalances and overgrowth of the wrong bacteria species, which allows us to further customise your gut balancing protocol.
  • Stress reduction: You will get my best strategies to keep stress hormones low – this is integral to healing because stress literally ages us and drives disease and degeneration (which takes us in the opposite direction of where we want to go).
  • Hormone balancing: Helps you lower cortisol and balance sex hormones – imbalances in these are rampant today and cause many unpleasant issues such as anxiety, irritability, insomnia, mood swings, water retention, weight gain, low libido, PMS in women, etc.
  • Sleep: You will learn effective strategies to help you banish sleep problems for good.
  • Diet: We’ll help you dial in your diet. You will know exactly what to eat and what not to eat for healing and optimal long-term health. You’ll have the option to track your diet and receive support to help you optimise it faster.
  • Energy: We’ll optimise your energy production system, which needs to work well because it supports all other functions in the body. No energy means no healing, and certainly no optimal health and longevity.
  • Detoxification: We’ll get your detox systems working efficiently because this also underpins a lot of the other areas. For example, estrogen is detoxified in the liver; when we improve liver function, we improve hormone balance which has many positive effects on mood and health. Toxins harm our energy-producing organelles (the mitochondria), so proper detoxification is essential in addressing fatigue, brain fog, and other nebulous and nasty symptoms, and ensuring our body functions well into old age.
  • Inflammation: You will learn how to reduce the invisible undercurrent of damaging processes that contribute to faster aging, degeneration, and disease.

“I came across Christian when he was a guest on a podcast I was listening to. I’ve been working with Christian for nearly 10 months. When I started working with Christian I felt so hopeless, I had so many symptoms for 10+ years, I really had no idea what was going on. I just knew I wasn’t well. The term holistic gets thrown around too often, however Christian truly works this way.

Every area of my life has improved including my sleep, digestion, skin, energy and periods. Christian has helped me through functional testing and supplementation. However, the greatest thing I have taken away is simple everyday skills to manage my own health through diet, supplements and lifestyle. Christian has taught me how to manage my own health and be self sufficient.”

– Nicole, Australia

Program Options Your Investment in Your Most Precious Asset

Clients have the option to work with Christian for 4 or 12 months, depending on their needs.

The 4-Month Core Program: Designed to identify and address the most common imbalances that impede optimal health and longevity, and to address gut problems, fatigue, sleep issues, and hormonal imbalances. You will dial in your diet and supplement program, lower inflammation, boost your detoxification systems, and learn powerful strategies to keep the harmful stress hormones at bay. (All of this by default means you will be increasing your longevity.)  Depending on your needs, we’ll run one or more state-of-the-art lab tests to identify specific metabolic imbalances and health optimisation opportunities that will allow us to further customise your program.

The 12-Month Extended Program: For those that would like to have access to Christian’s guidance and support for a full year. Most clients pick this option once they understand the value of having someone knowledgeable guide them on their way to vibrant health. This option is also an ideal fit for people that have more serious and/or complex health issues, have been unwell for multiple years, and/or are of more-advanced age. In these more-complex cases, clients need more support and we need to proceed more slowly.


The health and life transformation you've been looking for.

✔ Access to core program
✔ Dedicated client app (for video calls, chat support, tracking diet, protocols, lab work, etc.)
✔ Initial Consultation (75-min)​
✔ Extensive client intake and metabolic function assessment
✔ Individualised recommendations for diet, lifestyle, and supplements
✔ Access to advanced lab tests, shipped direct to your home
✔ Lab test results analysis and protocol recommendations
✔ 3 x 45-min consultation calls during the program
✔ Access to program resources for 6 months
✔ Health maintenance plan upon program end
✔ Payment plan options available
Request Intro call

For clients who want access to Christian's advice and support for a full year.

✔ Access to core program
✔ Dedicated client app (for video calls, chat support, tracking diet, protocols, lab work, etc.)
✔ Initial Consultation (75-min)​
✔ Extensive client intake and metabolic function assessment
✔ Individualised recommendations for diet, lifestyle, and supplements
✔ Access to advanced lab tests, shipped direct to your home
✔ Lab test results analysis and protocol recommendations
✔ 8 x 45-min consultation calls during the program
✔ Access to program resources for 14 months
✔ Health maintenance plan upon program end
✔ Payment plan options available
Request Intro call

Request an Intro Call with Christian

Request an intro call to discuss your health goals, enrollment, logistics, and payment plan if required.

“Not only is Christian incredibly knowledgeable, he genuinely cares about helping people overcome their health issues. He invests so much time and energy into pinpointing exactly what works and what doesn’t work for someone. He’s so easy and comfortable to talk to. He doesn’t treat you as just another client, but as a friend.

I have learned so much from him over the past year. He’s a human encyclopedia when it comes to health and how the body should optimally function. I know that if any other health problems arise, he will be my first point of contact. It is clear his calling in life is to help others. His steadfast dedication is truly inspiring.”

– Linda, USA